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Doctor Loans Program with Minimal Down Payments

Blog | Doctor Loans Program with Minimal Down Payments

Doctor Loans Program with Minimal Down Payments

  • Posted by Blake Mortage
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  • May 17, 2023
doctor loans

Creative Solutions for Doctors with Negative Savings to Acquire Homes with Minimal Down Payments

Considering the Doctor Loans Program by Blake Mortgage. Would this be the answer for physicians with negative savings?

The dream of owning a home may seem out of reach for doctors with negative savings due to hefty student loans and other financial obligations. However, several creative solutions can help these professionals achieve homeownership, even with minimal or no down payment. This article will explore a few strategies doctors can consider to make their home-buying aspirations a reality.

  1. Physician Home Loans: 

Physician home loans, or doctor loans, are specialized mortgage programs explicitly designed for medical professionals. These loans are offered by certain lenders who understand the financial challenges doctors face, including negative savings resulting from extensive education and training. Physician home loans often require little to no down payment and have more flexible underwriting criteria, taking into account future earning potential. By leveraging this type of loan, doctors can overcome their negative savings and purchase a home with minimal upfront costs.

  • Partnering with Medical Organizations:

    Another potential option for doctors with negative savings is to explore partnerships with medical organizations or hospitals. Some medical institutions provide housing benefits or assistance to their employees, especially those in high-demand specialties. These benefits may include low-cost housing, subsidized rent, or down payment assistance. By taking advantage of such opportunities, doctors can secure affordable housing options while minimizing upfront costs. It is worth reaching out to the human resources departments of medical organizations or hospitals to explore these housing benefits and determine eligibility.

While negative savings may seem a significant obstacle to homeownership, doctors have several options. Physician home loans, down payment assistance programs, and partnering with medical organizations can all help doctors acquire homes with minimal or no down payment. It is crucial for doctors to thoroughly research and explore these options to find the best fit for their specific circumstances. With careful planning and utilization of these strategies, doctors can fulfill their dreams of owning a home, regardless of their negative savings.

doctor loans program

Doctor Loans by Blake Mortgage

Doctor Loans by Blake Mortgage is a specialized mortgage program designed to meet the unique needs of medical professionals. This document provides an overview of the loan program, including loan amounts, eligibility criteria, underwriting guidelines, and other vital details. Whether you are a medical doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or nurse, Blake Mortgage offers tailored financing options to help you achieve your homeownership goals.

Loan Amounts

The Doctor Loans program offered by Blake Mortgage provides maximum loan amounts of up to $1,500,000. This generous loan limit allows medical professionals to purchase high-value properties and accommodate their specific needs.

Underwriting Guidelines

The underwriting guidelines for Doctor Loans are by the Non-Agency Underwriting Guidelines, with some product-specific criteria. It is important to note that additional guidelines not mentioned in this document must meet the parameters specified in the Non-Agency Underwriting Guidelines.

Eligible Borrowers

To be eligible for a Doctor Loan, at least one borrower must hold a valid license in one of the approved medical fields. The eligible licenses include the following:

  1. Medical Resident (Educational License)
  2. Medical Doctor (MD)
  3. Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
  4. Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
  5. Doctor of Optometry (OD)
  6. Doctor of Ophthalmology (MD)
  7. Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
  8. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)
  9. Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)
  10. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
  11. Physician Assistant
  12. Registered Nurse
  13. Nurse Anesthetist
  14. Nurse Practitioner
  15. Clinical Nurse Specialist

Furthermore, the occupying borrower must provide proof of a valid license within one of the approved medical fields and meet the following requirements:

  • The borrower must be within ten years of the start of their profession.
  • For Medical Doctors, the borrower must be an active medical resident or within the first ten years of their profession, measured from the completion date of their residency.
  • The borrower must be actively engaged in the eligible profession.

It is important to note that all borrowers can have only one outstanding Professional or Doctor loan at any given time. Additionally, borrowers should not have any other second homes or investment properties financed with the originating bank at the time of closing. Therefore, the total number of financed properties held by all borrowers should be at most four.

Ineligible Borrowers:

All trusts are considered ineligible borrowers for the Doctor Loans program.

Eligible Property Types

The Doctor Loans program covers the following property types:

  1. 1-unit properties
  2. Fannie Mae warrantable condominiums
  3. Planned unit developments (PUDs)
  4. Modular homes

Minimum Credit Scores

For minimum credit score requirements, refer to the Eligibility Grid provided by Blake Mortgage.

Qualifying Rate

The qualifying rate for the Doctor Loans program varies based on the ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) term:

  • 5/6 ARM: The greater of the fully-indexed rate or note rate plus 2%.
  • 7/6 ARM & 10/6 ARM: The greater of the fully-indexed rate or note rate.

Qualifying Ratios

The maximum Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio allowed for Doctor Loans is 45%. However, if the borrower has student loan debt that is deferred for at least 12 months from the application date, the DTI may exceed 45% up to a maximum of 50%. In such cases, the borrower must qualify using a payment equal to 1% of the outstanding balance on the student loans. It is important to note that the maximum DTI of 45% may only be exceeded due to the deferred student loan debt payments.


Reserves are important in determining the borrower’s ability to handle mortgage payments. The required reserves for Doctor Loans are as follows:

  • Loan Amount up to $850,000: 3 months of verified Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance, and Association (PITIA) reserves.
  • Loan Amount $850,001 – $1,500,000: 6 months of verified PITIA reserves.

When borrowers have financed properties in addition to the subject property, an additional six months of PITIA reserves are required for each property.

Interested Party Contributions

Interested party contributions refer to funds contributed by parties involved in the real estate transaction, such as the property seller, builder, real estate agent/broker, mortgage lender, or any other party with an interest in the transaction. These contributions can be used exclusively to cover closing costs and prepaid expenses.

The following contribution limits apply based on the Combined Loan-to-Value (CLTV) ratio:

  • CLTV up to 90%: Maximum 6% interested party contribution.
  • CLTV up to 97%: Maximum 3% interested party contribution.

Minimum Borrower Contributions

Borrowers must contribute at least 3% of the transaction from their funds. The remaining funds can come from a gift per the Non-Agency Underwriting Guidelines, an acceptable FNMA-eligible Community Seconds Program, or an approved Gift/Grant Program.

Appraisal Requirements

The Appraisal Review Department will review all appraisals for Doctor Loans. The appraisal requirements depend on the loan amount:

  • Loan Amount up to $1,000,000: One full appraisal.
  • Loan Amount greater than $1,000,000: One full appraisal and a field review or two full appraisals.

Mortgage Insurance

Doctor Loans are underwritten by approved mortgage insurance companies. Each mortgage insurance provider may have additional restrictions not listed in this document. It is recommended to refer to each mortgage insurance company’s website for complete details.

Standard Mortgage Insurance Guidelines

Doctor Loans require mortgage insurance coverage based on the Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio. The coverage requirements are as follows:

  • LTV 95.01 – 97%: 35% coverage.
  • LTV 90.01 – 95%: 30% coverage.
  • LTV 85.01 – 90%: 25% coverage.
  • LTV 80.01 – 85%: 12% coverage.


Doctor Loans by Blake Mortgage provides a comprehensive financing solution tailored to the unique needs of medical professionals. With competitive loan amounts, flexible underwriting guidelines, and specific eligibility criteria, this program aims to support doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, and other medical professionals in their homeownership journey. By understanding the loan program’s features and requirements outlined in this document, medical professionals can make informed decisions and take advantage of the benefits offered by Blake Mortgage’s Doctor Loan program.

Don’t wait! Find out about your options today!